Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 29 Keep his promises with you all the time.

Life can be busy all the time, or you are suffering somehow, or maybe feeling lonely, overwhelmed, hopeless at times? Still we have to stop and remember the blessings we have. We can delight in and enjoy what we have no matter what we don't have or are dealing with, if we hear God all the time.

Take families for example. It is so much work to be a good mom and wife that we totally do the "work" but forget and lose perspective of the fact that children really are a blessing and so are the people God puts in our lives in some way or another. We stress about everything and time for enjoying the moments just passes us by. Why? I feel it is because we are not keeping our heads filled at all times with Gods promises.

We have to find it in out heart to actually enjoy our familes, and children and our lives. We can even sort of enjoy the bad things ,the hardships, the lonliness, and what ever suffering brings because we know that those times are molding us for something we can't even imagine!
I really feel like we can live filled with this joy regardless of what we are going through if we can just get to what I call the breakthrough point in our life with Jesus. That point is is a realization that when we believe and have faith in God then we should believe all his promises too. This world isn't a permanent home and that God is preparing us for his Kingdom.

"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him! 1 Corinthians 2:9

Wow! Wow! Flippin Wow! Do you get how crazy awesome that is gonna be!

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